Window Restrictors

Window Restrictors

Window Restrictors and building code changes

Window Restrictors must be fitted by law if there is no approved device. The Australian Building Codes Board introduced new provisions to the Building Code of Australia (BCA2013). These require, from May 2018 that all windows where the fall height is 2m or greater are with fitted safety devices ‘where the lowest level of the window opening is less than 1.7m above the floor’. Windows must either have a robust screen or the window opening must be restricted to 125mm. The screen or device used must be able to ‘resist an outward horizontal action of 250 Newtons’vi,vii. These are the minimum requirements, and each state and territory can legislate to include more safety measures, so refer to your state or territory authority.
Window Restrictor

We can install and Pressure Test

We can supply and install appropriate window restrictors that meet the guidelines required above. Pressure testing can be carried out as well on the hardware and screens where necessary.

Free Quote

If the location is in The Eastern Suburbs of Sydney or the Inner West we can give a free quote on the supply and install of Window Restrictors.
Call or message Paul on 0414212469
or email from the contact form.
Sliding Window Restrictorcable window restrictor

Call for a Quote today and see how much you can save!!